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Addams returns to the United States from Europe. Upon her arrival in New York City, she gives a speech about her experiences before an audience of thousands in Carnegie Hall. She makes several main points. First, in all the war capitals she…

Upon her return to Chicago from convalescence in Colorado and California, Addams is contacted by President Wilson, former President Theodore Roosevelt, and a representative of Charles Evans Hughes, all of whom are seeking her endorsement for their…
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Now a national figure in her own right, Addams seconds the nomination of Theodore Roosevelt for president at the 1912 Bull Moose (Progressive) Party convention in Chicago. Roosevelt bolts from the Republican Party's nominating convention, also in…

The platform of the Chicago Emergency Federation (CEF) includes various peace proposals, including a league of nations, international arbitration treaties, arms control, international courts, democratic control of foreign policies, an end to secret…
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Addams leaves Europe and returns to the United States. Her highly-publicized activities in Europe over the past several months - specifically chairing the Women's Peace Summit and meeting with various foreign dignitaries, including presidents, prime…
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Addams attends the Seventh Congress of the International Woman Suffrage Alliance. The Women's Congress opens on the fifteenth of June at the Academy of Music in Budapest, Hungary, with addresses from the Minister of Education and the Countess Iska…

Constructive peace built for the purpose of embracing the world is the ultimate goal of the Women's Peace Party. By January 1916, some 20,000 people have joined the party. The annual conference attracts a crowd of 2,500 and raises $10,000. A program…

As president of the Woman’s Peace Party, Addams leads the American delegation to the First International Congress of Women, in The Hague, Netherlands. Addams presides at the conference's opening session. Over the next several days, the delegates…
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Addams' travels in Egypt are chronicled in the Atlantic Monthly. The essay serves as the foundation for The Long Road of Women's Memory, a literary work in which Addams reflects on the origins of myth and the female psyche. Addams completes the book…
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A photograph taken at the historical site of Alhambra Theatre

Donniker’s Minstrel’s theater where they performed “Africanized opera bouffe) of minstrel and drag
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A historical photograph of the Academy of Music Halsted Street near Madison Street
Ensemble-Made Chicago

The colorless glass base from a bottle of AbilenA Natural Cathartic Water found in 2010 at the Charnley-Persky House. A 1910 advertisement for AbilenA, a "cathartic water" bottled in Abilene, Kansas used as a laxative.
Brush and Pencil<br />

An image of the Holabird & Roche designed McClurg Stationers and Booksellers Building at 215 S. Wabash Ave. It was the home of the Brush and Pencil Magazine from 1897-1907.

Aurelius Stone Hinds purchased his own drug store in 1870, developed his soon-to-be-famous Hinds’ Honey & Almond Cream. Five years later, the A. S. Hinds Company was established. The Honey & Almond Cream was heavily marketed toward women…

A Young Lord is arrested at the Puerto Rican Heritage Festival, August 23, 1969.

Looking through a shattered window to a group of police officers who were in front of the protesters, presumably outside the school.

A group of Latinx teens huddled together, laughing and smiling, with one student wearing a Harrison Hornets jacket.

O'Neill Tune

Built using Prize Home winner #21 design. The designer created a completely open plan for living, dining and kitchen, separating the bedrooms along one wing. With four bedrooms and two bathrooms, this is a large house. Owners at some point converted…

Built using Prize Home winner #19 design. This large house—with four bedrooms and two and a half bathrooms, appears to be unchanged. It has a first floor study, and a large laundry room which bridges the attached garage to the rest of the house.…
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