Addams elected president of the Chicago Emergency Federation (CEF).
The platform of the Chicago Emergency Federation (CEF) includes various peace proposals, including a league of nations, international arbitration treaties, arms control, international courts, democratic control of foreign policies, an end to secret treaties, a conference of neutral nations, and an unoffical conference of experts in international law to mediate among the warring nations and help set forth an armistice.
“For a Peace Conference of Neutral Nations.” The Survey XXXIII.15 (1915): 597-8. Hathi Trust Digital Library. Web. 23 June 2017.
“National Efforts Crystalizing for Peace.” The Survey XXXIII.15 (1915): 393-4. Hathi Trust Digital Library. Web. 23 June 2017.
“National Efforts Crystalizing for Peace.” The Survey XXXIII.15 (1915): 393-4. Hathi Trust Digital Library. Web. 23 June 2017.