Browse Items (1845 total)

Hooley's Theatre juxtapose.png

An image of Hooley's Theatre
Homewood Gardens-4.jpg
Homewood Gardens.jpg
Homewood Gardens-16.jpg

"The premises herein described shall not be conveyed by the grantee or by any successor in title of the grantee to any person who is not a Caucasian; neither shall the premises herein described not any improvements thereon erected be occupied by…

"No person of any race other than the Caucasian race shall use or occupy any building or any lot except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by domestic servants of a different race domiciled with owner or tenant." (Source: Plat #13388820,…

"'Even if Holloman has a First Amendment right to hold his fist in the air during the recitation of the Pledge in class, such a right was not "clearly established.'"

"Holloman's complaint alleges: (1) that plaintiff, while a student, was forced by…

"The salute of the flag is a gesture of love and respect ­­ fine when there is real love and respect back of the gesture. The flag is dishonored by a salute by a child in reluctant and terrified obedience to a command of secular authority which…

"No persons of any other race other than the Caucasian race shall use or occupy any buildings or any lot, except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by domestic servants of a different race domiciled with an owner or tenant." (Source:…
Hilltop Estates No. 1-18.jpg
Hilltop Estates no. 1.jpg
Hilltop Estates No. 1-21.jpg

No persons of any race other than the Caucasian race shall use or occupy any buildings or any lot, except of this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by domestic servants of a different race domiciled with an owner or tenant.(Source: Plat #12755271,…

"This property shall not be sold, leased to, or occupied by any other than a Caucasian." (Source: Plat #12273103, Platbook 326, Page 26. Recorded: February 17, 1939. Expired: January 1, 1980)

"No person of any race other than the Caucasian race shall use or occupy any building or any lot in this subdivision except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by domestic servants of a different race domiciled with an owner or tenant."…
Hikes & Huizenga Oak Lawn-13.jpg
Hikes and Huizenga Oak Lawn Subdivision.jpg
2018 photograph of Hikes & Huizenga Oak Lawn Subdivision

"It is an express condition of this conveyance that the Grantor herein made at its option (which option shall be exercised by filing notice thereof in the office of the Recorder of Deeds of Cook County, Illinois) declare this deed to be and become…
Highland Fling.jpg

Tune sheet with handwritten titles

Founded by Charles M. Higgins in 1880, Higgins Ink is still a top producer of ink worldwide. Just eight years after opening its doors, Higgins was providing ink for periodicals like Harper’s Weekly; this success allowed the company to…
2Heyworth 1 redo.jpg

an image of male impersonator Hetty King
Putnam Stopper Ad 1901.png

Henry W. Putnam was born in 1825 in Essex, NY and entered the glass business at the age of 34 with a patent for a wire contraption that held a cork in place in the mouth of a bottle. Putnam’s history is tied up in that of Charles de Quillfeldt and…

"No persons of any race other than the Caucasian race shall use or occupy any building or any lot, except that this Covenant shall not prevent occupancy by domestic servants of a different race domiciled with an owner or tenant." (Source: Plat…

Publicizing the slogan "Out of the Trenches by Christmas," the Peace Ship, the Oscar II, sets sail for Europe from New York. On board is industrialist and philanthropist Henry Ford, who funds the expedition, along with scores of peace activists.…
Hemenway United Methodist Church.JPG
Heisey Glass Company 1896.png

August H. Heisey, born in Germany in 1842, immigrated to the United States in 1843, setting up home in Pennsylvania. In 1861, Heisey got into the glass business working as a clerk for King Glass Company in Pittsburgh. After fighting for the Union…
Hebrew Institute.jpeg
Hazel-Atlas Ad.jpeg

The Hazel Glass Company merged with the Atlas Glass Company in 1902, forming the Hazel-Atlas Glass Company, which quickly became one of the largest glass manufacturers in the world iwth 14 plants across the country. In 1957, the company…
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