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Addams shares with her friend Emily Balch her disappointment at not having won the Nobel Peace Prize herself.

After reading of Addams' illness and her treatments in a newspaper, President Wilson sends her flowers and wishes her a speedy recovery in a personal letter. The one dozen American Beauty Roses from the White House Conservatory are sent to the home…

Wilson calls for a negotiated end to the war and speaks of the creation of an international institution to keep the peace. Germany accepts Wilson's terms, but Wilson says Kaiser Wilhelm's endorsement is "empty and insincere." (Quoted in Lynn, Jane…

Ending his policy of neutrality, President Wilson goes before Congress and asks for a formal war declaration against Germany. Congress passes a war declaration on April 6. The Senate passes the resolution 82-6. The House also does so, 373-50.

The announcement of the final terms of the war settlement stun Addams and the other delegates, who pass resolutions rejecting the treaty and calling for major revisions of it. The delegates also rename their organization the Women's International…
Women_at_the_Hague DOVER.pdf

As The Noordam travels through the English Channel on its way to Rotterdam, it is stopped once again. The ship sits off the coast of Dover for four days. The delegate's telegrams are censored, and no one is allowed to disembark. Ships from the…
Women_at_the_Hague STOWAWAYS.pdf

Upon entering the English Channel, the ship is stopped by a British naval vessel and two German stowaways are taken off of The Noordam. A few months earlier, in February of 1915, Germany declares a policy of submarine warfare against neutral…
Legislative_Document (dragged).pdf

A foreboding of the Red Scare, Archibald Stevenson, a staffer of a New York State Senate sub-committee investigating German propaganda during the First World War, produces a list of "Radicals and Pacifists," which includes Addams and her long-time…

The Emergency Peace Federation holds a mass meeting at the Raliegh Hotel. From there, members plan to visit Congress in protest against the declaration of war. The American Union Against Militarism also conducts a referendum nation-wide. At the same…

The Chicago Daily Tribune, summarizes Addams' talk to the Chicago Bureau of Charities on the morality of charity.

News of German subs sinking three American ships as well as German secret negotiation with Mexio come up before Wilson declares war. Addams and Mary ? spend the month in a large estate in Flordia.
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Addams meets with President Woodrow Wilson at his request to report on her experiences in Europe. She gives him a copy of the platform of the International Committee of Women for Permanent Peace. Wilson does not commit to calling an international…

Addams and Jacobs, as well as members of their entourage, are introduced to a German military officer at their hotel in Berlin who criticizes the United States government for selling war munitions to Britain and France. They also meet with a group of…
Hull House

An image of Hull House

Publicizing the slogan "Out of the Trenches by Christmas," the Peace Ship, the Oscar II, sets sail for Europe from New York. On board is industrialist and philanthropist Henry Ford, who funds the expedition, along with scores of peace activists.…

Addams calls on peace activists to telegram President Wilson to express their support for a national referendum on the war. Addams and others - the Committee of Five - are sent by the Emergency Peace Federation to meet with Wilson at the White House…

Wilson asks Congress to finance a number of new naval ships and aircraft carriers. The country begins a heated debate about American military preparedness. Addams and other peace activities mobilize against an increase in military spending and the…

The American Union Against Militarism and the Fellowship of Reconciliation – Addams sits on both boards – agree to create a new National Civil Liberties Bureau to fight for free speech and the rights of conscientious objectors. Addams agrees to…
The_Outlook (dragged) 1.pdf

An ally of Addams, Lilian Wald, and others associated with the settlement movement in Lower Manhattan, form what, in 1916, would become the American Union Against Militarism (AUAM), which opposes military preparedness by the United States and,…
Women_at_the_Hague (dragged).pdf

Addams arrives in London two days after the sinking of the Lusitania. She writes that one component of the continuation of the war is the way propaganda portrays certain events. As for the sinking of the Lusitania, she observes that London papers…

Since the outbreak of the war in Europe, Addams has been at the forefront of the peace movement. From international conferences to meetings and essays, Addams has fine-tuned her ideas on internationalism. She promotes international leagues for…
surveycharityorg43survrich (dragged).pdf

The speech is later published under the title "Patriotism and Pacifists in War Time” in The City Club Bulletin 10 (16 June 1917): 184-190. The negative response to Addams opposition to the war - and especially the United States blockading the…

President Wilson asks Congress to finance a number of new naval ships and aircraft carriers. The country begins a heated debate about American military preparedness. Addams and other peace activities mobilize against an increase in military spending…
7IMI3M-out 11 Jul 1919.pdf

Addams, Alice Hamilton, and a group of Quakers from the United States and England visit Germany and survey the efforts of the Society of Friends to relieve hunger. In Leipzig, they observed hungry and malnourished school children and speak with…
out 7 Oct 1918.pdf

Though Wilson and Addams found themselves on opposite sides of the war, and Addams had been vilified and was under government surveillance, Wilson expresses "peculiar gratification" for her continued political support. (Quoted in Linn, Jane Addams,…
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