Addams writes Wilson a letter opposing military preparedness


President Wilson asks Congress to finance a number of new naval ships and aircraft carriers. The country begins a heated debate about American military preparedness. Addams and other peace activities mobilize against an increase in military spending and the size of the U.S. military. Addams claims that steps to increase military spending are unjustified because the United States faces no imminent threat to its national security. In Addams' opinion, Europe has exhausted its resources. Protected by two oceans, America, Addams conveys to Wilson, has no reason to prepare for war against "hypothetical" enemies.




Addams, Jane. “A Protest Against Preparedness: A Letter to President Wilson.” The Commoner (Lincoln, Neb): 1 Nov. 1915, vol. XV no. 11: 6. Chronicling America: Historic American Newspapers. Library of Congress. Web. 27 June 2017

