Francis O'Neill


Francis O'Neill


Karagianis, Ani

Items in the Francis O'Neill Collection

1850 Cover Page
Inside cover page of O'Neill's Music of Ireland: 1850 Melodies.

1850 Dedication
Dedication inside the cover of O'Neill's Music of Ireland: 1850 Melodies.

Asst. Sergeant Medal
Medal from the Republican National Convention in 1904

Francis O'Neill Letter Regarding Barney Delaney
Letter regarding Bernard 'Barney' Delaney by Francis O'Neill

Baton 1
Baton from O'Neill's time on the force (black and gold detailing)

Baton 2
Baton from O'Neill's times on the force (includes rope tassels)

Chicago Centennial Celebration Ribbon
Ribbon from the centennial celebration of the creation of Fort Dearborn

Chief of Police Convention Ribbon
Ribbon from the 9th Annual Chief of Police Convention which took place in Bloomington, IL

City of Chicago Cover
Cover of City of Chicago

County Cork Medal
Medal from the Irish Fair Chicago in 1897

Photo of Francis O'Neill, a friend, and a crocodile.

Dance Music of Ireland - Cover
Outer Cover of O'Neill's Dance Music of Ireland

Dance Music of Ireland Plate
Plate used to imprint name on the cover of the book

Elder O'Neill Daughters
Photo of Ann, May, and Caroline O'Neill (Mary Lesch's great-aunts)

Elder O'Neill Family
Picture of elderly Francis and Anna O'Neill, along with daughters Ann, May, and Caroline

Eleventh Annual Medal
Medal from the International Association Chiefs of Police Eleventh Annual Convention, which took place in St. Louis, MO

FO'N Annotations 1 and 2
Francis O'Neill's annotations from City of the Century

FO'N Childhood Home
Photo of Francis O'Neill's childhood home (Tralibane, Co. Cork)

FO'N Dillon
song/poem written by Thomas J. Dillon about Francis O'Neill

Chief O'Neill - Reappointment Certificate
Certificate of Chief O'Neill's Reappointment as Superintendent (Chief) of Police in 1903

Gaelic League Dedication
Dedication from Francis O'Neill to members of the Gaelic League

Guest Medal
Medal of the guest of the United Irish Societies (picnic)

Police Committee Medals
Two Medals from the Police Committee in Chicago

Harp Plate
Harp plate used for printing Francis O'Neill's books

International Live Stock Ribbon
Ribbon from the International Live Stock Competition in the Chicago Stock Yards

Irish Fair Chicago
Pin from the Irish Fair in Chicago

Irish Minstrels and Musicians Comments
Press comments about Irish Minstrels and Musicians

Irish Music Club Photo
Photograph of the Irish Music Club

Jim Mooney Uniform
Photograph of Jim Mooney in police uniform (Mary Lesch's grandfather)

Music of Ireland - Cover
Leatherbound Cover of Music of Ireland (with Gold Lettering)