Addams meets with the French prime minister and foreign minister


Foreign Minister Theophile Delcasse and Prime Minister Rene Viviani meet with the Addams and Jacobs. Addams and Jacobs find France bitter and immovable, and they dread their meetings with French women suffragettes. French pacifists are deeply disillusioned. The minister of foreign affairs, ever the militarist, is the least approachable of all, echoing the sentiments of many French who see Germany as the clear aggressor. The only policy for the French is the continuation of the war and victory over Germany.




Addams, Jane. “Factors in Continuing the War.” Women at The Hague. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1915. 124-41. Google Play Books. Web. 7 June 2017.

Addams, Jane. "The Food of War." The Independent LXXXIV (1915): 430-31. Google Play Books. Web. 31 May 2017.

Hamilton, Alice. “At the War Capitals.” The Survey XXXIV.19 (1915): 417-22. Web. 1 June 2017.

“Miss Addams Finds War Idea Supreme.” The New York Times: 24 Jun. 1915, vol. LXIV no. 20,970: 3. The New York Times Company. NYTimes Search. Web. 10 June 2017.

“Women Envoys Urge Neutrals to Meet.” The New York Times 16 Oct. 1915, vol. LXV no. 21,084: 3. The New York Times Company. NYTimes Search. Web. 8 June 2017.

