Addams is elected president of the Women's Peace Party


The Women's Peace Party (WPP) passes a platform at the Willard Hotel, in Washington, D.C. The program they adopt has eleven resolutions similar to those of the CEF, but the WPP goes a step further and calls on the world's citizens to take war mediation "into their own hands" (Knight 195-197). The preamble specifically endorses a role for women in international politics and promoting world peace. Addams asserts that no country ought to go to war other than for the defense of the homeland. The platform addresses international arbitration, a point which Addams firmly supports. The party's goal is to prevent future wars. Over 2,500 people attend the meeting. Addams is elected president and urges for action on women's suffrage.




“Jane Addams Asks Country to Adopt a New Patriotism.” Chicago Daily Tribune (1872-1922): 1. Tribune Publishing Company. ProQuest. 12 June 2017.

“Sees end of Wars Under Referendum.” The New York Times: 6 Mar. 1915, vol. LXIV no. 20,860: 10. The New York Times Company. NYTimes Search. Web. 8 June 2017.

