Addams reacts to the outbreak of the war


Addams despairs upon hearing the news that Europe is at war. She spots a German ocean liner anchored in Frenchman's Bay, Maine, not far from her summer cottage. She believes that the war will turn back the clock on social progress and take a toll on social services. Even so, she constantly remains confident that people of varying ethnicities and backgrounds can work together in harmony, often citing her work at Chicago's Hull House as a paramount example. This idea of internationalism and working together for peace follows her through the war and after.




Addams, Jane. “Passing of the War Virtues.” The Craftsman XXVII.1 (1914): 79-80. Hathi Trust Digital Library. Web. 3 June 2017.

“Moral Reaction of War Pointed.” Chicago Daily Tribune (1872-1922): 1 Oct. 1914: 1. Tribune Publishing Company. ProQuest. Web. 12 June 2017.


Frenchman's Bay, Maine
