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1970 Sauk trail - education.png

"A condition in language as follows: It is an express condition that no part of the real estate herein described shall ever be conveyed or leased to any person who is not Caucasian; provided that Caucasians while using or occupying said real estate,…
Sauk trail estates 2nd edition main.jpg

"A condition in language as follows: It is an express condition that no part of the real estate herein described shall ever be conveyed or leased to any person who is not Caucasian; provided that Caucasians while using or occupying said real estate,…
Sauk Trail Estates 2nd Edition.jpg
1970 Sauk Trail Estates 2nd edition - tyoe housing.png
17 (7).jpg

"No conveyance contract or lease is to be made to or with any person not of the Caucasian race." (Source: Plat #12755597, Platbook 341, Page 7. Approved: July 28, 1941. Recorded: September 12, 1941, Expired: January 1, 1965)Back to Restricted Chicago…
Scarsdale Estates.jpg
2 Comedy Scene.mp4

A scene in "Max Wants a Divorce" featuring Don Meyer's arrangement of J.S. Zamecnik's "Comedy Scene"
10 Detective Scene (In Search of a Clue).mp4

A scene in "Max Wants a Divorce" featuring Don Meyer's arrangement of J.S. Zamecnik's "Detective Scene (In Search of a Clue)"
4 Dramatic Andante (Pathetic or Romantic).mp4

A scene in "Max Wants a Divorce" featuring Don Meyer's arrangement of Ernst Luz's "Dramatic Andante (Pathetic or Romantic)"
13 Funeral March of a Marionette.mp4

A scene in "Max Wants a Divorce" featuring Don Meyer's arrangement of Gounod's "Funeral March of a Marionette"
3 Hurry (For Struggles).mp4

A scene in "Max Wants a Divorce" featuring Don Meyer's arrangement of J.S. Zamecnik's "Hurry (for Struggles)"
5 Intermezzo - Trot.mp4

A scene in "Max Wants a Divorce" featuring Don Meyer's arrangement of Ernst Luz's "Intermezzo—Trot"
6 La Seduccion (Enchantment).mp4

A scene in "Max Wants a Divorce" featuring Don Meyer's arrangement of Henri Clique's "La Seduccion (Enchantment)"
15 Maple Leaf Rag.mp4

A scene in "Max Wants a Divorce" featuring Don Meyer's arrangement of Scott Joplin's "Maple Leaf Rag"
9 Mexican or Spanish Music.mp4

A scene in "Max Wants a Divorce" featuring Don Meyer's arrangement of J.S. Zamecnik's "Mexican or Spanish Music"
7 Moving Picture Medley Lively.mp4

A scene in "Max Wants a Divorce" featuring Don Meyer's arrangement of J.S. Zamecnik's "Moving Picture Medley: Lively"
8 Oriental Music.mp4

A scene in "Max Wants a Divorce" featuring Don Meyer's arrangement of J.S. Zamecnik's "Oriental Music"
1 Original Hesitation Waltz.mp4

A scene in "Max Wants a Divorce" featuring Don Meyer's arrangement of McNair Ilgenfritz's "Original Hesitation Waltz"
11 Reception Music.mp4

A scene in "Max Wants a Divorce" featuring Don Meyer's arrangement of J.S. Zamecnik's "Reception Music"
12 Waltz of the Flowers.mp4

A scene in "Max Wants a Divorce" featuring Don Meyer's arrangement of Tchaikovsky's "Waltz of the Flowers"
14 Sweet Mystery of Life.mp4
Max Wants a Divorce

Max Linder and Martha Mansfield acting on set for the film Max Comes Across, Chicago, Illinois, 1917. Further study reveals it to be most likely from Max Wants a Divorce.

A glass bottle from the Schiller Pharmacy on Clark and Schiller Streets in Chicago, found at the Charnley-Persky House.

Peter Schoenhofen bought out out his partner’s interest in 1867, renaming their brewery the Peter Schoenhofen Brewing Company. Its most popular product was Edelweiss beer (see advertisement below). After Prohibition, the company…

The governor of New York vetoed a measure requiring school children to salute the flag every day at school. He feared that required recital "presented the danger that the pledge of allegiance and the salute would become 'habitual' and 'lose the…
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