Browse Items (1845 total)

Gabaon Baptist Church(2)22.JPG
DM The Shaskeen Reel.mp3
DM & F The Mooncoin Reel.mp3
DM & F The Kildare Fancy.mp3
DM & F Sergt. Early's Jig.mp3
BOB The Banks of Dunmore.mp3
BOB The Banks of the Suir.mp3
5. Seán Cleland - Solo Jigs - Cherish The Ladies & Knocknagow.mp3
4. Seán Cleland - ED Set Dance Garden of Daisies.mp3

Mrs. Murphy & Sons Trad Session
3. Seán Cleland & Friends - ED Slow Air + Slip Jigs.mp3.mp3

Mrs. Murphy & Sons Trad Session
2 Seán Cleland & Friends - ED  Hornpipes - The Boys Of Blue Hill, Off To CA, Rights Of Man.mp3
1. Seán Cleland & Friends - ED Slip - Give Us A Drink Of Water; My Mind Will Never Be Easy; A Fig For A Kiss Jigs.mp3

Area locations for Chicago neighborhoods.
IMG_2732 (1).jpg

Session Performers

The German ambassador in Belgium delivers a letter to the Belgian foreign ministry, authorized by General Helmuth von Moltke, calling upon Belgium to either accept German occupation or face war. The Belgian Council of State, with King Albert…

Video by Karen Larson

Music by Emily Hilgenberg

Video by Karen Larson

Music by Emily Hilgenberg

Video by Karen Larson

Music by Donald C. Meyer and Emily Hilgenberg
vbi fcp
2Reliance 1 redo.jpg
Pirie Scott 1 redo.jpg
2Heyworth 1 redo.jpg
2People Gas 1 redo.jpg
2CSO 1 redo.jpg
Santa Fe 2.jpg
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