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chicago day waltz.pdf

Sheet music, "Chicago Day Waltz," by George Valisi
02 Chicago Day Waltz.mp3

An MP3 recording of the song "The Chicago Day Waltz" lasting 3 mins. and 57 secs. long.

Cover image for sheet music, "Chicago Day Waltz," by George Valisi
JALomax 1892.jpg

John Alfred Lomax consolidated his own soda bottling factory with fifteen others in 1887 to form the Chicago Consolidated Bottling Company; an early letterhead of Lomax’s is below. The name of the firm was changed to the Lomax Company in…

Ribbon from the centennial celebration of the creation of Fort Dearborn

A piece of glass from the Chicago Brewing Company, found at the Charnley-Persky House.
Chicago and the World's Fair Every Promise.jpg

Chicago Daily Tribune article from November 7, 1892, page 8, with the headline "CHICAGO AND THE WORLD'S FAIR: Every Promise Made by This City Has Been Splendidly Redeemed"

Image of an alley behind building at 1922
South Halsted Street in Chicago in 1946
Chicago Academy of Design<br />

A drawn image of the Crosbys' Opera House on Washington Street that held the meeting that spurred the creation of a school for the Fine Arts or Chicago Academy of Design and later the Art Institute of Chicago.

Robert Augustus Chesebrough created petroleum jelly from “rod wax” used by oil workers for cuts and bruises; he made this discovery in 1859, and the product was available on a limited bases in the 1860s. Chesebrough Manufacturing…
Charnley-Persky House Archaeological Project

Please click on the Excel spreadsheet link (.xslx) above to see the full report of artifacts.

A photograph of the Charnley-Persky House circa 1900.
Hires ad 1894.jpg

Charles E. Hires Root Beer was initially developed as a medicinal syrup or tonic, but the soft drink quickly became an international hit. While on his honeymoon in 1875, Hires was served a root tea similar to that Native Americans…

Illustration to accompany "Back of the Yards" by Kenneth Sawyer Goodman, showing Michael and two characters in a pool hall

Cha Cha Jimenez (in black) photographed at the People’s Church.
Central Park Addition to Niles Center.jpg
Central Park Addition to Niles Center.jpg

"No lot or lots or any interest therein may at any time hereafter be sold, conveyed, leased or transferred by a grantee or grantees or by any successor or successors in title of a grantee or grantees, either voluntary or by operation of law, to any…
Central Music Hall Today2.jpg

A photograph taken at the historical site of the Central Music Hall
Central Music Hall juxtapose.png

An image of the Central Music Hall

This is an image from the Central High School's production of "The Wonder Hat" in Aberdeen, South Dakota. It shows five players on the stage around a prop.

A copy of the Central High School production of "The Wonder Hat" in Aberdeen, South Dakota. The members of the cast are listed.

This is an image from the Central High School's production of "The Wonder Hat" in Aberdeen, South Dakota. It shows two players on the stage sitting and talking in elaborate costumes.

This is an image from the Central High School's production of "The Wonder Hat" in Aberdeen, South Dakota. It shows two players on the stage talking to one another.

A group of people attend a Center for Autonomous Social Action (CASA) meeting in 1975. Rudy Lozano is seated in the foreground.
1982 - Columbian Day.pdf

"This property shall not be sold to, or leased to, nor occupied by any other than a Caucasian" (Source: Plat #12234385, Platbook 325, Page 22. Approved: November 1st 1938. Recorded: November 8, 1938. Expired: January 1, 1980)

"No lots in said subdivision shall be sold to any but persons of the Caucasian race nor shall any portion of any premises be sold, sublet or leased to or by any but persons of the Caucasian race." (Source: Plat #12636079, Platbook 338, Page 1.…
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