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Harlequin feels the slipper's magic, in this scene from The Wonder Hat illustrated by Jaime Deare.

Columbine and Margot flee Punchinello, in this scene from The Wonder Hat illustrated by Jaime Deare.

Columbine examines the magic slipper, in this scene from The Wonder Hat illustrated by Jaime Deare.

Columbine and Margot examine Punchinello's wares, in this scene from The Wonder Hat illustrated by Jaime Deare.

Columbine and Margot arrive in this scene, overlaid on an image of a historical production of The Wonder Hat from Central High School in Aberdeen, North Dakota

The Wonder Hat's park is illuminated by moonlight, in this scene from The Wonder Hat illustratd by Jaime Deare.

Punchinello appears carrying his bag of wares, from a scene in The Wonder Hat, illustrated by Jaime Deare.

Pierrot gestures in the park by moonlight in the opening scene of The Wonder Hat, illustrated by Jaime Deare.

Harlequin and Pierrot talk by moonlight in the opening scene of The Wonder Hat, illustrated by Jaime Deare.

Harlequin and Pierrot in moonlight in the opening scene of The Wonder Hat, illustrated by Jaime Deare.

Opening scene of The Wonder Hat, featuring a large yellow moon, illustrated by Jaime Deare.

Opening image to accompany 1952 radio drama of The Wonder Hat, illustrated by Jaime Deare.
The Art World in Downtown Chicago

Left half of stereo photo pair of Edward Kemeys's lion statue outside the Art Institute of Chicago, in Illinois.

Illustration of a closing curtain to complete "The Wonder Hat" by Kenneth Sawyer Goodman and Ben Hecht.

Harlequin and Columbine face each other, each wearing their respective magic item of a hat and a slipper, in this scene from "The Wonder Hat" by Kenneth Sawyer Goodman and Ben Hecht. "Take that silly hat off this minute," reads the caption.

"You know very well what I want" reads this caption by an illustration of the wonder hat itself, in a play of the same name by Kenneth Sawyer Goodman and Ben Hecht.

Pierot complains about being "in love with a boot" in this illustration for a scene in "The Wonder Hat" by Kenneth Sawyer Goodman and Ben Hecht.

Harlequin holds two doll-like caricatures of other characters as if they are marionettes, in this illustration for a scene in "The Wonder Hat" by Kenneth Sawyer Goodman and Ben Hecht.

Margot grabs Pierro, saying, "Get up, you great baby," in this scene in "The Wonder Hat" by Kenneth Sawyer Goodman and Ben Hecht.

Harlequin dons the wonder hat, becoming invisible, asking, "I wonder if I have a hand or a leg, or a stomach, or a heart?" in this image of a scene in "The Wonder Hat" by Kenneth Sawyer Goodman and Ben Hecht.

"Cheap, wonderful bargains," reads the caption for this illustration of the items in Punchinello's sack, from a scene in "The Wonder Hat" by Kenneth Sawyer Goodman and Ben Hecht.

Punchinello experiences the power of the magic slipper, in this scene from "The Wonder Hat" by Kenneth Sawyer Goodman and Ben Hecht. The caption reads, "Oh most wonderful lady!"

Margot and Columbine discuss Harlequin in this scene from "The Wonder Hat" by Kenneth Sawyer Goodman and Ben Hecht. The original caption reads, "I tell you I'm not in love."

Harlequin and Pierrot walk in the park in this scene from "The Wonder Hat" by Kenneth Sawyer Goodman and Ben Hecht. The original caption reads, "We agree perfectly."

A cottage-cheese moon rises in this opening image for "The Wonder Hat" play by Kenneth Sawyer Goodman and Ben Hecht

Illustration to accompany "Back of the Yards" by Kenneth Sawyer Goodman, showing the priest comforting Michael as he sobs

Illustration to accompany "Back of the Yards" by Kenneth Sawyer Goodman, showing Michael aiming a pistol at the Sergeant

Illustration to accompany "Back of the Yards" by Kenneth Sawyer Goodman, showing a close-up of Sergeant Bennett

Illustration to accompany "Back of the Yards" by Kenneth Sawyer Goodman, showing the priest speaking with Michael

Illustration to accompany "Back of the Yards" by Kenneth Sawyer Goodman, showing the priest examining Michael's wound
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