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Fred'k H. Bartlett's Higgings Road Farms.jpg
13 (4).jpg

"No contract or lease shall be made with any person not of the Caucasian race"(Source: Plat #12246559, Platbook 325, Page 48&49. Approved: November 1, 1938. Recorded: December 8, 1938. Expired: January 1, 1980 )Back to Restricted Chicago Homepage
Butterfield Hills-3.jpg
Fred'k H. Bartlett's Butterfield Hills.jpg
Butterfield Hills-6.jpg

"No conveyance, contract or lease to be made to or with any person not of the Caucasian race"(Source: Plat #12560625, Platbook 335, Page 40&41. Approved: September 7, 1940. Recorded: September 7, 1940. Expired: January 1, 1980)Back to Restricted…

"No conveyance, contract or lease is to be made to or with any person not of the Caucasian race" (Source: Plat #12461342, Platbook 333, Page 29. Approved: March 26, 1940. Recorded: April 8, 1940. Expired: January 1, 1960)
The Assassination of Fred Hampton

Fred Hampton, chairman of Illinois Chapter of the Black Panther Party, November 5, 1969.

Fred Hampton, the leader of the Chicago chapter of the Black Panther Party, speaks to children during a free breakfast program at 1512 South Pulaski in the Cicero neighborhood of Chicago in April 1969.
Frank and Marjorie Mooney.jpg

Frank J. and Marjorie Mooney (Mary Lesch's parents) in mausoleum

"This property shall not be sold or leased to nor occupied by any other than a Caucasian" (Source: Plat #9458129, Platbook 236, Page 32. Approved: September 29, 1926. Recorded: November 6, 1926. Expired: January 1, 1980.)

"This property shall not be sold or leased to nor occupied by any other than a Caucasian" (Source: Plat #9980343, Platbook 258, Page 26. Approved: May 19, 1928. Recorded: April 6, 1928. Expired: January 1, 1980.)

"This property shall not be sold or leased to nor occupied by any other than a Caucasian" (Source: Platbook 242, Page 48. Approved: March 17, 1927. Recorded: March 30, 1927. Expired: January 1, 1980.)

"This property shall not be sold or leased to nor occupied by any other than a Caucasian" (Source: Plat #9667375, Platbook 246, Page 42&43. Approved: April 8, 1927. Recorded: May 27, 1927. Expired: January 1, 1980.)

"This property shall not be sold or leased to nor occupied by any other than a Caucasian" (Source: Plat #10360049, Platbook 274, Page 20&21. Approved: April 8, 1929. Recorded: May 3, 1929. Expired: January 1, 1980.)

"This property shall not be sold or leased to nor occupied by any other than a Caucasian"(Source: Platbook 228, Page 44. Recorded: 1926)

"This property shall not be sold or leased to nor occupied by any other than a Caucasian" (Source: Plat #9388667, Platbook 229, Page 47. Approved: May 22, 1926. Recorded: May 28, 1926. Expired: January 1, 1980.)

"This property shall not be sold or leased to anyone other than a Caucasian" (Source: Plat #9226990, Platbook 226, Page 14. Approved: March 8, 1926. Recorded: April 2, 1926. Expired: January 1, 1980.)

"This property shall not be sold or leased to nor occupied by any other than a Caucasian" (Source: Plat #9388667, Platbook 229, Page 47. Approved: August 12, 1926. Recorded: August 31, 1926. Expired: January 1, 1980.)

"This property shall not be sold or leased to nor occupied by any other than a Caucasian" (Source: Plat #9886966, Platbook 256, Page 37. Approved: December 3, 1927. Recorded: January 4, 1928. Expired: January 1, 1980.)
Frank C. Rathje Subdivision.jpg
13 (2).jpg

"The use of lots in this subdivision is restricted to members of the Caucasian race" (Source: Plat #12318342, Platbook 328, Page 49. Approved: March 9, 1939. Recorded: May 27, 1939. Expired: January 1, 1980)Back to Restricted Chicago Homepage
Francis O'Neill-1904 (2).jpg

zoomed in picture of Francis O'Neill's name on the mausoleum
Francis O'Neill-1904 (4).jpg

Interior of the mausoleum
DC Barney 2.jpeg

Letter regarding Bernard 'Barney' Delaney by Francis O'Neill
Saving Irish Traditional Music in Chicago

Official photograph of Francis O'Neill as chief of police
Francis M. Bellamy, Patriotic Writer, Dies.jpg

New York Times obituary of Francis M. Bellamy, author of the original Pledge of Allegiance, dated August 30, 1931
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