Browse Items (1845 total)


Ceramics with a maker's mark from the Union Potteries Company, East Liverpool, Ohio, found at the Charnley-Persky House.

Pieces of a glass bottle from the United States Brewing Company, found at the Charnley-Persky House.

Bowman Dairy Co. first came to Chicago in 1885, an outgrowth of a St. Louis milk venture; six years later, Bowman was concentrated in Chicago alone. In early years, Bowman was known for its horse-drawn wagons distributing milk (pictured…

A piece of glass from the Chicago Brewing Company, found at the Charnley-Persky House.
Sanford's 1920.jpg

Sanford’s Manufacturing Company was founded in Massachusetts in 1857 and moved to Chicago in 1866. The company sold a range of products, but was best known for its ink (as the 1920 ad below attest); in the 1940s, the company changed…

A glass bottle from the Schiller Pharmacy on Clark and Schiller Streets in Chicago, found at the Charnley-Persky House.

Glass embossed with "Trichobio" found at the Charnley-Persky House.

A piece of Belleek pottery found in the Charnley-Persky House Archaeological Project, showing a first period black mark, dating its manufacture between 1863-1890.
MacLarens Cheese.jpg

Two print advertisements for MacLaren's Imperial Cheese, as well as a glass jar made for MacLaren's Roquefort found at the Charnley-Persky House.

An advertisement for the Seville Packing Company's Pim-Olas olives.

Ellen Gates Starr, classmate of Jane's at Rockford Seminary and co-founder of Hull-House, ca. 1880

Samuel Barnett with graduates of Oxford & Cambridge at Toynbee Hall c.1903-5

Toynbee Hall, c. 1902.

Jane Addams at Rockford College, 1880

E. H. Sargent was established in 1852; a bottle embossed with the company’s name was found at the Charnley-Persky House in 2010. In 1875, Sargent began marketing through a catalog, the first recorded mail order solicitation for…
Jane Addams: Chicago's Pacifist

Jane Addams, taken c. 1895
1995 - Pledge of Allegiance Printed Out.pdf

The song "Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag" by Irving Caesar will be printed, according to this Congressional record.
1991 - Loyalty Day references Pledge.pdf

George Bush Sr. declares May 1, 1991, as Loyalty Day, calling upon "all Americans to observe that day with appropriate ceremonies in their homes, in schools, and in other suitable places." The proclamation quotes from the Pledge of Allegiance.
1989 - Pledge of Allegiance Day.pdf
1987 - Citizenship Day.pdf

He declares that the week between September 17, 1989, and September 23, 1989, will constitute Citizenship Day and Constitution Week.
1956 - Concurrent Res - Pledge to be Printed.pdf

Congress absorbs the costs of printing 24,500 copies of the song "Pledge of Allegiance," 22,000 copies of which are set aside for use by the House of Representatives.
1982 - Columbian Day.pdf

A New York Times article from March 9, 1937, describes students engaged in a Nazi-style salute of the flag. "Row Raised Over New Pledge to Flag With Extended Arm—Principals Assail Idea "A new type of flag salute, recommended by the State…

Rep. James Fulston of Pennsylvania introduced a resolution to a "civil rights clause" to the Pledge of Allegiance, which would read as follows: "I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the republic for which it stands,…

"A Library of Congress report said today that evidence about the disputed authorship of the pledge of allegiance to the flag is overwhelminly in favor of the late Francis Bellamy." From a New York Times article dated September 13, 1957.

The governor of New York vetoed a measure requiring school children to salute the flag every day at school. He feared that required recital "presented the danger that the pledge of allegiance and the salute would become 'habitual' and 'lose the…
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