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Overhead view of The Young Lords and the Black Panthers marching on Daley Center on April 12, 1970.
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Spaces and Stories: Haitian Churches and Oral Histories in Chicago

"The use, occupancy and ownership of all lots of this subdivision is restricted to the Caucasian race, servants of the owner or a lessee excepted." (Source: Plat #14834853, Platbook 383, Page 49. Recorded: June 23, 1950. Expired: January 1, 1975.)
Oriole Park Village Second Addition.jpg
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"The premises herein described shall not be said, conveyed or leased to, or occupied by, any person who is not a Caucasian (except servants of the owner or tenant) and in this event, that the premises hereindescribed shall be sold, conveyed, or…

"The premises herein described shall not be sold, conveyed or leased to, or occupied by, any person who is not a Caucasian (except servants of the owner or tenant) and in the event that the premises herein described shall be sold, conveyed or leased…

"The premises herein described shall not be sold, conveyed or leased to, or occupied by, any person who is not a Caucasian (except servants of the owner or tenant) and in the event that the premises herein described shall be sold, conveyed or leased…

"The premises herein described shall not be sold, conveyed or leased to, or occupied by, any person who is not a Caucasian (except servants of the owner or tenant) and in the event that the premises herein described shall be sold, conveyed or leased…

"The premises herein described shall not be sold, conveyed or leased to, or occupied by, any person who is not a Caucasian (except servants of the owner or tenant(, and in the event that the premises herein described shall be sold, conveyed or leased…

The original salute was a long standing tradition in American public schools until World War II.

Sheet music for "Original Hesitation Waltz" by McNair Ilgenfritz, theory by Alice Martin.

A picture of the original handwritten pledge of allegiance by Francis M. Bellamy.

"No portion of said property shall ever be leased, rented, sold, or conveyed to or occupied by any person who is not of the Caucasian race, except in the capacity of domestic servant employed by the owner of said property." (Source: Plat #14355100,…

Open House Day artifact table, Charnley-Perksky House Archaeological Project, 2015.

"This property shall not be sold, leased to, or occupied by any other than a Caucasian" (Source: Plat #12562325, Platbook 335, Page 36. Approved: September 24, 1940. Recorded: October 14, 1940. Expired: January 1, 1980)

Photograph of older Francis O'Neill
Chicago and the Folk Music Revival

A version of the original salute before the hand on the heart was put in place.
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Autopsy of the Pledge

A backlit image of the American Flag from Flickr
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