National Home Developers Bel-Aire Park
"No tract of land in this subdivision shall be conveyed to, leased or occupied by any person not members of the Caucasian race, and this covenant shall be for the benefit of the title holders of the tracts contained in this subdivision, and run with the land within said subdivision."
(Source: Plat #13506464, Platbook 353, Pages 20&21. Approved: May 14, 1945. Recorded: May 14, 1945. Expired: January 1, 1980)
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(Source: Plat #13506464, Platbook 353, Pages 20&21. Approved: May 14, 1945. Recorded: May 14, 1945. Expired: January 1, 1980)
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Demographic Information
Note: all demographic information below is from tract-level US Census data.
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